
The Busy Body Book
There aren’t many books that make human physiology accessible to preschoolers.

Rockwell’s message is the joy of physical activity, but she also does a great job of connecting exercise with detailed information about the body and how it works.

– The design is clear and inviting: first are bright, colorful spreads of kids busy on scooters and rollerblades, running, stretching, catching and throwing in the park; then come full-page diagrams of skeletons, clearly labeled and packed with exciting scientific facts. One page shows kids using their muscles on a bar; opposite is a diagram of the body’s muscles, from biceps and ligaments to the Achilles tendon.
– One page describes your incredible brain, which sends messages at lightning speed along wire-thin fibers called nerves; opposite is an anatomical diagram of the brain.
– The lungs, the heart and blood vessels, and the stomach and intestines get the same treatment.
– In an afterword to adults, Rockwell talks about the problem of overweight children and makes an enthusiastic pitch for healthy physical fun. Doing the activities on these pages is certainly a place to start.

Learning Books

The Busy Body Book

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